Showing 1 - 25 of 119 Results
Intercultural Communication for Everyday Life by Baldwin, John, Gonzalez, Al... ISBN: 9781444332360 List Price: $84.95
Catching Hell in the City of Angels Life And Meanings of Blackness in South Central Los Angeles by Vargas, Joao H. Costa, Kell... ISBN: 9780816641697 List Price: $19.95
What Does It Mean to Be White?: Developing White Racial Literacy – Revised Edition (Counterp... by DiAngelo, Robin J., Robin D... ISBN: 9781433131103 List Price: $39.95
Say It Loud! African-American Audiences, Media, and Identity by Means Coleman, Robin R., Me... ISBN: 9780815337621 List Price: $34.95
Meaning of Photography by Kelsey, Robin, Stimson, Blake ISBN: 9780300121506 List Price: $24.95
Fancy Nancy and the Mean Girl (I Can Read Book 1) by O'Connor, Jane, Glasser, Ro... ISBN: 9780062001771 List Price: $3.99
Fancy Nancy and the Mean Girl (I Can Read Book 1) by O'Connor, Jane, Glasser, Ro... ISBN: 9780062001788 List Price: $16.99
Alexander, Who's Not (Do You Hear Me? I Mean It!) Going to Move by Viorst, Judith, Glasser, Ro... ISBN: 9780689820892 List Price: $6.99
Architecture and Meaning on the Athenian Acropolis by Rhodes, Robin Francis ISBN: 9780521469814 List Price: $30.99
Alexander, Who's Not (Do You Hear Me? I Mean It!) Going to Move by Viorst, Judith, Glasser, Ro... ISBN: 9780689319587 List Price: $16.95
Countryside Connections : Older People, Community and Place in Rural Britain by Hagan Hennessy, Catherine, ... ISBN: 9781447310303
Dynamical Mean Field Theory by Robin, Jean-Marc ISBN: 9781446638842 List Price: $35.50
From Community Care to Market Care? The Development of Welare Services for Older People by Means, Robin, Smith, Randall ISBN: 9781861342669 List Price: $59.95
Form and Meaning: Writings on the Renaissance and Modern Art by Klein, Robin, Jay, M., Wies... ISBN: 9780691003283 List Price: $14.95
Meaning and Form: Systemic Functional Interpretations (Meaning and Choice in Language: Studi... by Margaret Berry, Christopher... ISBN: 9781567502558 List Price: $55.00
The harassment and abuse of older people in the private rented sector by Nancy Carlton, Frances Heyw... ISBN: 9781861344588 List Price: $22.50
Housing and Home in Later Life by Heywood, Frances, Oldman, C... ISBN: 9780335201693 List Price: $26.95
Say It Loud! African-American Audiences, Media, and Identity by Means Coleman, Robin R., Me... ISBN: 9780815337614 List Price: $100.00
Catching Hell in the City of Angels Life And Meanings of Blackness in South Central Los Angeles by Vargas, Joao H. Costa, Kell... ISBN: 9780816641680 List Price: $60.00
Life in Balance Finding Meaning in a Chaotic World by Robin, Jennifer, Stoner, Ch... ISBN: 9780761835462 List Price: $23.00
Development of Welfare Services for the Elderly by Means, Robin, Smith, Randall ISBN: 9780709935315 List Price: $31.00
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